New Study Explores the Future of Co-Working
A recent study conducted by the site CoworkingResources explores the projected growth of the co-working industry as well as specific trends, offering a bird’s-eye view of how work forces are changing across the world.
According to research published in July, the number of coworking spaces worldwide will reach nearly 20,000 this year and surpass 40,000 by 2024. While the industry is set to grow at a slower pace in 2020, analysts expect growth to rebound and develop even more rapidly from 2021 and beyond, with a yearly growth rate of 21.3%.

Estimates based on proprietary data from CoworkingResources and Coworker.
As more established corporations embrace flexible work practices, analysts expect the capacity to continue to grow over time as serviced offices and remote teams will become increasingly critical for space operators. The entire Global Co-working Growth Study 2020 can be found on CoworkingResources’ website.